***** 5 star read
i got this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review. i honestly can't believe the low ratings!!! this book is amazing and it is told almost like a true story. now, being a teen mom myself i know exactly how grace felt. even though i raised my child, but i went thru everything that she was talking about.
grace was perfect. she had a 4.0 was in all the ap classes and her parents who a lawyer and estate agent. her parents were also the head members of the pro life group and save yourself till marriage. no one would ever suspect that grace would do anything bad. but all that can change with one bad decision.
grace was tired of being the good girl. she went on a couple dates with the all american boy at school. nick was the captain of the soccer team and the lacrosse team. he could have any girl that he wanted, but he seemed to want grace. after that 3rd date they ended up having sex in the back of his jeep. now staring at the 7 pregnacy tests in the bathroom grace had to come to the conclusion that even though she used a condom, her life is over.
grace had a best friend named jennifer. jennifer had a bad sense of humor and made a joke of everything. grace told her about her new found problem and jennifer said she should just get an abortion before her family found out and act like nothing happened. grace liked that idea except that she didn't have 500 dollars laying around. jennifer convinced her to talk to nick and tell him he needed to take care of the problem because she didn't do this to herself.
well, nick was found at the lake with another girl. no surprise there! he was smoking weed and had no intentions of talking to grace again. he wanted to break his record of sleeping with over 21 girls before we went to college. and this girl amy, was just that type. grace told nick that they were having a baby. he said it wasn't his and that it wasn't his problem.
well, thinking grace didn't have any choice she finally broke down and told her parents. her dad refused to talk to her. being strict christians how dare grace do that to their family. her dad kept calling her a whore and that their mother better take care of this problem because he was done. her mother had nothing to say except that she knew who the father of her child was. now a couple weeks had past and her parents have said nothing to her or even acted like she was there until one morning her mother woke her up at 4am. they took off in the care and grace thought she was getting dumped at a shelter.
graces mom went to a different state for her to have an abortion. grace told the doctor it must be a mistake because her family does not believe in such things. the doctor confirmed it with graces mother and then told grace that it was her choice and that she had to live with her decison for the rest of her life. so grace did want anyone would do. she decided to keep the baby. with her head down she told her mother that she was keeping the baby. her mothers was furious. she called her husband and said that grace refused the abortion and was keeping the baby.
when they showed back up at home all of grace's clothes were on the porch. her had told her that he couldn't have a whore living at home to ruin their reputation. that she made her mess and had to figure things out for herself. she didn't know what to do. her best friend was away for the weekend with her family and she had no one to call. grace decided she was going to sleep in their shed.
there nosy neighbor hellan over heard the argument and woke grace up. she offered her to go to her house because it was a safe place. now grace didn't know what to do she was scared and now her parents were on the porch threatening to have hellan arrested even though they kicked out their own child. grace did decided to go with hellan. her house was a mansion. she was a wealthy lady with no children and loved helping people. helen treated grace like one of the family.
grace decided that she was going to place her baby up for adoption. now here comes the fun part. she had to decided what kind of adoption she was going to have and also what kind of parents she was going to choose for her child. then she also has the problem of getting nick to sign his rights away because he refuses to acknowledge the problem. lastly, grace gets introduced to hell and nephew charlie. who is handsome and is head over heels in love with her.
with all these problems going on she didn't even think about her senior year has started. now she is the smart innocent girl who is now carrying a baby. she didn't realize how judgemental high school girls can be once her knew secret it out. and they all want to know who her baby daddy is. all her friends she thought were friends are now gone so she feels alone more than ever. thank god for jennifer!
can grace decided what is best for her baby? will she keep the baby in the end? will she make up with her family? or will she fall for another gorgeous guy and make another mistake? and finally will she get into college now that she is in a new situation?
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