***** a 5 star read
OMG!!! WOW!! words cannot express how much i loved this book. i might be
a little more emotional than other readers because i am pregnant, but i
must say this book broke my heart and also made me happy. so, after
reading this i have to ask. If you had a child that you took care of as
your own and is legally yours would you give it up when you found out
the child was stolen? I would die before i would do that. i know that is
selfish and blah blah blah but judge away!
this book is about a
reporter named Ellen. she worked very hard and one day she did a piece
at a hospital. she saw a little boy with tubes in his nose and fighting
for his life. days went by and no one came for the child. she thought it
was weird that their wasn't any parents concerned for this child. she
asked around and found out that child was left and he was waiting to be
adopted. Ellen did everything in her power to adopt that little boy. so,
now according to the common wealth of Pennsylvania the little boy was
Will is now 3 years old and attends pre school. is a normal
little boy, and has mother who worries sick about him because of his
previous medical history. he has a babysitter that you could call a
nanny because she is there all the time and helped raised him. her name
is connie. she would do anything for that child and for Ellen.
one day looked at her mail and saw a post card for a missing child.
they get these junk mail all the time, but this time the child looked
like her little will. she folded it and kept it in her back pocket. she
continued her daily routine and had trouble completing her work at the
newspaper because she kept looking at this picture for a missing child.
Ellen then went on the internet and started to research about this
missing child. the child's name was timothy. he was stolen out of a car
in a car jacking and the nanny was killed. the family paid the ransom
money, but killer never returned the child. she printed out the papers
and continued to do her research.
Ellen called her lawyer who did
the adoption process for her and she found out horrible news. her
lawyer killed herself. Ellen did some digging and was able to get her
old case file. she was putting all the papers together when she found
the paper that had the mother, father and witness signatures for the
removing of parental rights. she was going to call the mother. she knew
she shouldn't start digging because if she was right she didn't know how
she would be able to give away will. she kept telling herself that the
adoption was legal she had the judges signature and she was safe, right?
after not being able to fight the mother she found the grandmother and
here comes the twist.
the grandmother hasn't herd from the mother in
over 5 years. Ellen told her that couldn't have happen because she
showed the paper were she was supposedly witness her daughter sign her
rights away. the grandmother said that was her daughters signature but
not hers. the same thing happened with the sister. now Ellen knew
something was wrong with her adoption.
while playing hookie at
work she decided that she was going to find out more about this child
that was missing. she ended up flying to Florida and stalking the
parents of the missing child. she saw the mother and the father and
stole cigarette butts and a soda can and put them in a brown bag for a
DNA test. she was going to figure this out once and for all. now while
doing this digging she found a picture of the mother who she thought was
the mother of will and her boyfriend. the boyfriend looked just like
the picture of the man who killed the nanny and stole the baby of the
child she was researching. Ellen knew in her heart that will was this
family's baby.
after sending away all the samples and waiting for
the results she continued to dig about this missing child. everyone who
knew about the baby was ending up dead. the lawyer killed herself, the
mother how she thought was the mother was murdered, and now everything
fell into place and Ellen knew her and will were in danger. right then
and there she and will was attacked and now facing the man who killed
the nanny and stole the baby. to make matters worse the mother of the
missing child started pounding on the door demanding that Ellen give her
the baby back. The FBI got involved and took will right from Ellen and
will was screaming for his mother because for his whole life that is all
he knew.
i will not spoil the book for you but be prepared for
heartache and evil madness, and maybe some happiness you never know. i
have to tell you that if you are a mother you will defiantly shed tears
after reading this book. it had a great ending and it was the best book i
have read this year.