**** a 4 star read
i got this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
this book was a really good book. it was really sad because there are a lot of teens around the world that are suffering from this problem and parents are not aware that this is a huge problem.
Samantha is a great student. She has good grades a lot going for her. Lately she struggles with everyday tasks like school. the very thought about waking up and going to school makes Samantha's chest tight and she feels like everyone can hear her thoughts and her heart beat. it takes everything that she has to stay in school, but she can't she up and leaves to find the comfort of her bedroom. She doesn't understand what is wrong with her. When she starts thinking about it she gets dizzy and starts all over again.
Samantha's mom is tired of her skipping school. She thinks that Samantha is making this all up so she can stay home. She went to numerous doctors appointments and the doctors said that everything is ok, and nothing is wrong. Therefore, her mother thinks she is lying. Her father on the other hand wouldn't care. He hasn't been around he just up and left. Samantha is also struggling with that. Samantha waits for the phone call from her 1 1/2 year long boyfriend chad. He moved to California and hasn't spoken to her since. All this heartache and no one to talk to about her problems.
Samantha has a best friend, but her best friend doesn't understand either what is going on with her. One day while Samantha was in school and her AP teacher told her she was going to present to the class her report she freaked out. She thought everyone was staring at her and that everyone was talking about her. She up and ran out of the classroom to the bathroom. She sat on the floor and couldn't believe that she can't even sit in class. Till a very cute boy asked her if she was ok. right then and there she wanted to die because she had went into the boys bathroom
This boy was a old school mate that moved away and then came back. he use to be very fat, but losslots of weight. His name is Eli. he told her that he knew what she was going through because he had the same thing anxiety. He told her about all the symptoms that she was going through and he started to sing to her
now everything was falling into place. she has this very cute boy who was trying to help her through this issues, and it was working! he would walk her to class and even talk to her at home. he suggested that she see a doctor because they could help her. She didn't want to go to the doctor because she thinks nothing is wrong. her mother didn't believe her when Samantha and Eli explained that they think she has anxiety. now Samantha starts to have feelings for Eli, but right when she thinks she has everything controlled her ex boyfriend comes back and he isn't the same.
this book hits home because everyone who reads this knows someone who went through this. this book is very touching and the more you read the more you will understand Samantha and the real problem with anxiety. there is a lot of drama and action in this book that you will have to read for yourself to figure out.
i loved this book and wish there was more books like this one.
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