***** a 5 star read
WOW!!! i cannot wait till the 2nd book is out. How can someone end a book like that! lol. No, before half of you get mad there isn't a cliff hanger. just a perfect ending to a book that makes you want to continue the read. i love how fast i could read this book. it was always interesting and not boring. even though it is only 170 pages it still got to the point and told a very wonderful story. i got this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.
this book is about a girl named Emma who had a very horrible past. one night while at a friends house she called her mom and asked for a ride home. her mother said it is only a couple houses down just walk home. well, that was the worst mistake of her mother's life. she was kidnapped, raped,stabbed, and left for death at a community park. Emma was 10 at the time. now 10 years later she cannot cope with everyday life
Emma has a fear of leaving the house. she cannot go on her porch or even out her door because of fear that her attacker who get her again. her attacker is in jail, but up for parole in a couple of weeks. Emma has horrible nightmares and even panic attacks when she thinks of it. Emma is in college and trying to work on her finals for school. her professor sent her a nasty email stating that she could not have an extension on her paper because everyone is asking for one. he suggested that if she was having trouble with her paper that she needed to come to a study group. Emma being pissed of at her teacher for not reading her file and knowing that she has a medical condition that she cannot leave the house sends a nasty email right back. so, it starts!
Emma's profession Simon starts flirting with her over emails. he says he is sorry for not looking at her file and starts sending her information on the criminal cases that she needed to work on. Emma is totally into her professor because he is hot and decides why not flirt back with him, so she uses her not being able to leave the house a good excuse to talk. the emails turn into texting and phone calls. Simon tells Emma he knows this is wrong because he is her professor but tells her he has a crush on her. Emma gets excited and tells him the same thing. To rush up the story a little bit they start dating.
Emma's best friends tom and Cass are over all the time watching movies and brings her food and other things that she needs from the house. Emma hears about all of Cass' relationship issues and sexual experiences. tom is her best friend and often sleeps over at the house to make Emma feel safe. before you jump to conclusions they never do anything besides cuddle. Honestly, they both really don't have that kind of feelings for each other! Cass doesn't know how to take the information about Emma being with someone 18 years older than her and plus she think Simon is an asshole.
Emma and Simon's relationship heat up and he helps her fight her fears of leaving the house. no, she didn't leave the house yet, but now she is able to go on her deck. Simon introduces a little 4 year old child of his and they hit it off. Emma starts to baby sit for him while he is working as a assistant district attorney. Emma has no problem playing with a 4 year old and getting her to eat her veggies! Emma even hit it off with Simon's ex wife. strangely they both found each other nice.
now here is where it gets good. Emma's attacker gets out on parole and she is afraid that he is going to attack her again. she starts to have tons of panic attacks to the point where someone has to watch her at all times. She is tried to being stuck in the house and babysat so she decided it is time to concur her fear. When a sudden phone call hits home and finds out that her secret love life is now in the paper she doesn't know what to do. Simon is suspended from the college and now has to take a "break" from her to be able to keep his job. they talk on the phone all the time, but now she is alone. She starts to have nightmares and turned on the TV. She saw her attacker on TV. he is most wanted to a disappearance of a 12 year old girl. Emma now has to save this girl. Emma takes a bunch of medicine that she can find in the house and as the doorman order her a taxi. She asks him to come along to the park where she was found over 10 years ago. now calling everyone that she knows and no one will answer she is on her own. Can she save this little girl before he hurts another person. Will Emma be able to overcome her fears of leaving the house?
OH i forgot!!! there is a huge twist in the story that will leave your breathless. Want to know what it is?!! well, read the book! i think i told you enough!
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