***** a 5 star read
this book was a great quick read. i love romance books so i couldn't put down the chance to read this book. plus, the author is from the same area i live so it is a plus! I got this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
this book is about a girl who worked for everything in her life. she couldn't care less about a boy in her life right now. She divorced the last man she let in her life because he wanted to sit on the couch and do nothing. She has a horrible past, but she doesn't let that ruin what she is. she is glad that she was raised that way.
Laura owns a bar, and keeps a good job on running a tight ship. she is not afraid to take down a bar fight. being little everyone comes to the bar to she her in action, and for those that know her are scared to mess with her.
Laura has 2 best friends who come to the bar all the time. Ali, she works as waitress for the bar and she is psychic. Well, she can only tell the future from juice pulp! well Ali tell Laura that tonight is the night she will find her prince charming. Laura laughs because Ali is never right when she makes these predictions and no one ever says anything because that is what friends do.
Hannah is her other friend and works as a stock broker. she hates men just as much as Laura does, so they find themselves bad mouthing men all the time. Hannah give advice to the men who think they have a chance with Laura.
Brandon happens to come to the bar one night with his friend Ned. he is finally done with school and needs a break before he starts his job. he sees Laura breaking up a bar fight and knew he had to have her.
Brandon comes from lots of money. oh, did i mention his last name is prince! Brandon ends up making a bet with Ned that he can land a date with Laura
as you can see a lot will happens and i am not going to ruin it with anymore details just know this book is like the romance for 2 different worlds. like rich and poor. there is a lot of southern humor and will have you smiling. i am pretty sure you will finish this book within a couple hours if you would start it.
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