a ***** 5 star read
i got this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
this book was a good quick read.
this book is about a private school who has a very good soccer team. most of the players are looking for a tryout for the national team which then leads them to the Olympics.
parmita is the star goalie for this team. she works really hard with her practices and then she heads home to her house parents and works on her studies. She wants to be a surgeon and knows that she has to get all A's so she can get the education that she wants. she also wants to play for the national team so she can play for the Olympics.
the teams assistant coach was a formal goalie for the national team and is a really go player and has been teaching Parmita everything that she knows. Then after a few unwanted advances the assistant couch tells her that she knows about her sexuality and corners her in the locker room. Parmita's assistant couch starts to kiss her and secretly touch her when the rest of the team is not around. worried that everyone will find out her secret she has to find out with herself how far she is willing to go for this national team tryout.
on top of the all stress her house parents are full blow Christians. having a secret with her sexuality can ruin her house situation and her availability to play with the great Canadian soccer team. also, she is not ready for the high school to find out that she is a lesbian. she has a plan to let it all come out when she is accepted into a great college.
this is a great coming to age book and i suggest everyone to read it if you want a quick weekend read.
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